Fruit Trees Only
Fruit Trees Only

Flowering and Ornamental Plant
Availability for Summer 2024

Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Blue Agave

Blue Agave
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Blue Daze

Blue Daze
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Honeysuckle
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Coral Creeper

Coral Creeper
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Confederate Jasmine

Confederate Jasmine
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Crape Jasmine

Crape Jasmine
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Downy Jasmine

Downy Jasmine
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Aimee Gardenia

Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Golden Beach Creeper

Golden Beach Creeper
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Duranta Gold Mound

Gold Mound
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Java White Copperleaf

Java White
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Jasmine Minima

Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Lantana - Assorted Colors

Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Acalypha - Louisiana Red

Louisiana Red
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Oleander Pink

Oleander Pink
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Orange Bird of Paradise

Orange Bird of Paradise
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Pinwheel Jasmine

Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Purple Heart

Purple Heart
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Purple Showers

Purple Showers
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Duranta Purple Sapphire Showers

Sapphire Showers
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Song of India

Song of India
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine
Plant Facts
Summer 2024


Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Variegated Jasmine

Variegated Jasmine
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Variegated Minima Jasmine

Variegated Minima
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

White Bird of Paradise

White Bird of Paradise
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

White Shower

White Shower
Plant Facts
Summer 2024

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Plant Facts
Fruit Trees Only Fertilizer - Patent Pending
Ingredients: 5-6 Banana Peels, 1 Stick Aloe Vera, 1 Medium Onion.
Process ingredients through blender and add the mixture to Five (5) Gallons of water.
Add two teaspoon sugar/honey
Ferment for 24 hours.
Give half (1/2) gallon of the mixture to each plant.
Give mixture at the time of planting and repeat every 3 months.

Fruit Trees Only Citrus Therapy - Patent Pending
Ingredients: 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of epsom salt
Mix ingredients into 2 gallons of water
Give half (1/2) gallon of the mixture to each Citrus Plant Only.

Telephone: (904)621-0823

Email: [email protected]

Florida License:48032569

6430 County Road 16A, St Augustine, Florida 32092

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